Enable dispute again

There are “scientists for the future”, but the question of how and when 350 ppm CO2 will be reached again is answered with droning silence.

If there is no dispute in science, because every deviation from a unified opinion is suppressed with existence-destroying measures, then science degenerates to propaganda.

There are "scientists for the future", but the question how and when 350 ppm CO2 should be reached again is answered with droning silence. There are so-called climate scientists who do not know the difference between air temperature and ground temperature. By the way, it has often been 60° in Salzburg. Does anyone still live in Salzburg? Sure, the 60° was the surface temperature of a black car.

On Twitter, a picture of a TV broadcast appeared: 42°, deadly heat, embarrassingly, a digital display of the air temperature also got into the picture, showing 32°. There is also a difference in how different temperatures are shown in weather maps: red, dark red, black are supposed to suggest deadly heat. All this has nothing to do with science anymore, this is psychological warfare.

  70, 82, 94, 106 GW photovoltaics in Germany

At the moment, 12 GW of annual photovoltaic expansion should be reached in Germany. Today is another Sunday with many hours of negative electricity price. It is foreseeable that this will soon be the case on weekdays as well. Any plans for battery expansion? Of course not, the statement that the sun does not shine at night is after all right-wing radical thinking. Only a Putin troll could claim something like that.

  Lyssenkoism or worse?

Here's a video on Lyssenko, how a single scientist caused the starvation of over 50 million people.

  Counterevidence can be very rewarding

In the '90s, there were the most outlandish rolling disclaimers called electric cars: CityEl, Peugeot 106 electrique, Think, Twike. Then came a completely new idea: electric cars must be better than conventional cars. In 2003, a company was founded to prove the truth of this claim. In 2008, the time had come: The Tesla Roadster showed that electric cars can also be fun.

Historical prices here unfortunately only go back to 2010. Still, even with an entry into Tesla in 2010, you would have more than doubled that investment.

Tesla was more than "We're building a great electric sports car." Tesla is more than "We're building the best-selling car in the world." Whether Tesla becomes the largest or second largest car manufacturer in the world depends only on BYD. Toyota and Volkswagen are in the very deepest trouble.

GEMINI next Generation is more than "We build a great house".

Approach to the one million hectare program in Germany:
1,000 GW photovoltaics
3,000 GWh batteries
850 TWh annual yield
Housing with the highest level of comfort for 16 million families instead of ridiculously inefficient corn cultivation for biogas.

Approach to the 100,000 hectares program for Austria:
100 GW photovoltaics
300 GWh batteries
85 TWh annual yield
Housing with the highest level of comfort for 1.6 million families instead of ridiculously inefficient corn cultivation for biogas.

  Article in Energy:Construction

Energie:Bau reported in detail on my presentation to the Upper Austrian Conference of Mayors. Go to the article.

A club member donates his membership fee to the club and is happy if the club is successful. If not, I have supported a good cause.

A shareholder acquires shares in a stock corporation. If the AG is successful, his shares are worth much more. In the case of GEMINI next Generation AG, his reward for supporting a good cause.

As a shareholder, employee or homebuyer, you will also become part of the countermovement against many negative developments in our society that are detrimental to our survival.

A new shareholder said "I with my very modest investment", but 4,000 times 1,000 € is also 4 million for all investments until the opening of the settlement in Unken as a starting point for worldwide expansion.

Only the Annual General Meeting can resolve the major capital increases, but here is what the Executive Board and Supervisory Board can resolve. The new capital stock is used to perfect the documents for the larger planned capital increases.

Here are the details.
          Enable dispute again: There are “scientists for the future”, but the question of how and when 350 ppm CO2 will be reached again is answered with droning silence. https://2023.pege.org/07-23/