Elon Musk: Humanism against extinctionists

While humanist-governed countries do more than solve their own problems, we are seeing a steep decline in regions where the latter group dominates.

quote by Elon Musk on Twitter:

The real fight is not between right and left,
but rather between humanists and extinctionists

This is like my "Infinitism vs Limitism". The limitist mindset "All problems can be solved by saving, restricting, doing without" paralyzes society, prevents society from solving the problem of climate change and the milestone goal of 100% renewable energy. This way of thinking has infested society in an unbearable way.

November 1993 such a "Save Restrict Renounce" fanatic opened the panel discussion of the Environmental Film Days with "Healthy planets have no people". A few months later he prevented the project "GEMINI habitable solar power plant" from being realized in Vienna for the first time.

  Destruction of the car industry

"Cycling and public transport" was the rallying cry of the environmentalists. What if they had called for "electric cars charged with solar power"? In 1995, Dr. Franz Winterberg presented lithium batteries specially developed for electric cars to the major German car companies.

Maybe they thought, whether internal combustion engine or electric drive, the environmentalists hated us. Perhaps this was the reason why Dr. Winterberg was sent packing with the words "Oil is cheap and eternal, the electric car will never come.

A decision point whether 40 years later the German car industry is leading the world, or German brand manufacturers stick their brand on electric cars produced in China.

  Destruction of the photovoltaic industry

Lobbying is exaggerating, talking up, presenting everything in a glossy light. Nobody expects a lobbyist to underplay, to badmouth, to present everything in a gloomy light. But that is exactly what the solar lobby did with the expansion target of 70 GW of photovoltaics in Germany. Why so much effort for 10% of the power supply?

Anyone with such a lobby no longer needs enemies: The German photovoltaic industry was destroyed in 2013.

  No build up of a battery industry

Only one year after the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry, the next blow against an industry whose development would have been urgently necessary: Agora Energiewende under Graichen spreads the nonsense that electricity storage systems will still be unnecessary for the energy turnaround for up to 2 decades.

  The slow destruction by enemies of man

After all these disaster reports, once again the quote from Elon Musk on Twitter:

The real fight is not between right and left,
but rather between humanists and extinctionists

Because we're on the subject of Elon Musk, the Tesla factory in Brandenburg was almost prevented by the discovery of rare lizards.

  New 2 minutes video about GEMINI next Generation AG

Here is the new video with all the information for new stock buyers

  Optimism in a time of collapse

What future prospects can be named for today's children? The majority of society has only extremely negative views of the future. This applies to housing alone, a central need of every human being. The search query "housing Germany" brings only disaster reports in the search results. The problems are not to be mastered with conventional methods any longer. Completely new ways of thinking are needed.

If you support these completely new ways of thinking by buying shares, then in a few years you will not only be able to say "I contributed to this", but you will probably also be able to look forward to a considerable increase in the value of these shares.

  Become a shareholder of GEMINI next Generation AG

A club member donates his membership fee to the club and is happy if the club is successful. If not, I have supported a good cause.

A shareholder acquires shares in a stock corporation. If the AG is successful, his shares are worth much more. In the case of GEMINI next Generation AG, his reward for supporting a good cause.

As a shareholder, employee or homebuyer, you will also become part of the countermovement against many negative developments in our society that are detrimental to our survival.

A new shareholder said "I with my very modest investment", but 4,000 times 1,000 € is also 4 million for all investments until the opening of the settlement in Unken as a starting point for worldwide expansion.

Only the Annual General Meeting can resolve the major capital increases, but here is what the Executive Board and Supervisory Board can resolve. The new capital stock is used to perfect the documents for the larger planned capital increases.

Since the last newsletter, there are 5 new shareholders and €15,800 more in the escrow account for the capital increase. There is a reward program for recommending the share. Two of the new shareholders have become so through this reward program.

Here are the details.
          Elon Musk: Humanism against extinctionists: While humanist-governed countries do more than solve their own problems, we are seeing a steep decline in regions where the latter group dominates. https://2023.pege.org/10-08/