Cost optimization of the energy transition

For a generously calculated outlay of €200 billion, which would be €20 per square meter of purchased grassland, the German state would receive 600 TWh/a in rent.

  Caution - takeover of power

The battle cry of climate activists is "More money for climate protection". In Germany, it has just become "More debt for climate protection". So-called "climate activists" are beginning to doubt all parties that advocate the debt brake, are beginning to doubt democracy. Everywhere on social media the claim "climate protection is more important than the debt brake".

The takeover of power in 1933 began with systematically spread doubts that democracy could not solve Germany's problems. So it's an extremely dangerous development, where an ever deeper rift is running through society, just like 1934 in the Austrian Civil War.

  Cost optimization of the energy transition

How much do 1,000 GW of photovoltaics and 3,000 GWh of batteries cost? Let's be generous, €200 billion. Sure, even if you calculate with purchase prices of €200 per kW of photovoltaics and €100 per kWh of batteries, it's €500 billion. How are you supposed to get by with 200 billion? Quite simply, you buy 10,000 km² of grassland for €200 billion or lease the grassland for a similar price.

  Land for energy

Then convert these 10,000 km² of grassland into building land, lease price 60 kWh of electricity per square meter fed into the grid as required. The building standard Climate Protection Superiority House applies to the development With an optimized settlement structure, the yield would even be 85 kWh per square meter. The development shown below has 12 GEMINI next Generation Standard and 4 XL houses and shows one hectare of optimized development area. The basic proportions are 600 m² for the standard and 700 m² for the XL houses. Here at 600 m²:
  • 36,000 kWh for the lease
  • 3,000 kWh for the house
  • 4,000 kWh for the electric cars
  • 9,000 kWh for sale
For a generously calculated outlay of €200 billion, which would be €20 per square meter of purchased grassland, the German state would receive 600 TWh/a in rent. In addition, many rent subsidies will be abolished because housing will become so much cheaper. This would make it possible for the proportion of home ownership to rise to Romanian levels.

  Making "land for energy" possible

Let's calculate all this back to m² prices. For the objective of paying rent, self-supply and also being able to sell some electricity yourself, 100 watts of photovoltaics and 300 Wh batteries per m² are required. If 1 kW of PV costs €1,500 ready installed today and 1 kWh of battery costs €700, the equipment for 1 m² of land would cost €360. If you then add an expensive house, where you start with a completely dispensable material battle with concrete at the foundation, the "Land for Energy" program cannot work because it would be far too expensive.

A thoroughly cost-optimized product is required for feasibility: the GEMINI next generation house. The cost of the energy system should not exceed €72,000 for 600 m² of land. At today's rip-off prices, this would be € 216,000.

  Optimism in a time of collapse

What prospects for the future can children of today be given? The majority of society only mentions extremely negative images of the future. Even when it comes to housing, a central need for everyone. The search query "housing in Germany" only brings up disaster reports in the search results. The problems can no longer be solved using conventional methods. Completely new approaches are needed.

If you support these completely new ways of thinking by buying shares, then in a few years' time you will not only be able to say "I contributed to this", but you will probably also be able to look back on a considerable increase in the value of these shares.

  Become a shareholder of GEMINI next Generation AG

A club member donates their membership fee to the club and is happy if the club is successful. If not, I have supported a good cause.

A shareholder acquires shares in a public limited company. If the AG is successful, his shares are worth much more. In the case of GEMINI next Generation AG, his reward for supporting a good cause.

As a shareholder, employee or home buyer, you also become part of the counter-movement against many negative, anti-survival developments in our society.

One new shareholder said "I with my very modest investment", but €4,000 times €1,000 is also €4 million for all investments up to the opening of the settlement in Unken as a starting point for global expansion.

Only the Annual General Meeting can decide on major capital increases, but here is what the Management Board and Supervisory Board can decide. The new share capital serves to perfect the documents for the larger planned capital increases.

There is a reward program for recommending the share to others. Two of the new shareholders have become shareholders through this reward program.

Here are the details.
          Cost optimization of the energy transition: For a generously calculated outlay of €200 billion, which would be €20 per square meter of purchased grassland, the German state would receive 600 TWh/a in rent.